Juicy James
If you think being a teenager is a drag, it’s not. There are a couple of things that you’ve got to know, but they’re secret so you can’t go
Can't wait to be big
Let met tell you, being a kid, not an easy job. Grown-ups don't have to do anything if they don't want to. If you don't want to,
The man from Albuquerque
There was a man from Albuquerque who didn’t like his roof. So he tore it down, to the ground and replaced it with one he did.
A women from S
I got this one dad
We all love our parents. Well, I presume we all do. Throughout our lives they function as the signposts that directs so much of our choices
The taste of a space race
Here's to the Dentist who hands out candy to the kids after sitting obediently in his dental chair to receive braces for their straight
I moved today
Get going in the most obvious way. Cut out the crap, read the signs and feel the insane pain that resides in the castle where you’re the kin